Meet Coach Colely!
Colely has a background in Anatomy and Physiology and has worked in health and fitness for 20+ years.
She holds certifications in nutrition, group fitness, TRX, Personal Training 2016 and 2019 and CrossFit Level 1 in 2021.
Favorite CrossFit Movement?
Colely started taking CF to widen her training as an athlete. Her goal for herself, and clients, is to be as well-rounded and diverse in fitness as possible. She is certified to teach CF, but do not coach yet. She has been teaching small group personal training and bootcamp for 10+ years.
She loves CrossFit because of the Diversity in training and the sense of community.
She is married with 4 sons and is a boy mom through and through. She loves all things vintage, including her “pride and joy” a 1975 Baby blue Truck.
When Colely is not in a gym, she loves the ocean and the outdoors. She coaches youth soccer and loves music and concerts. And, you will always find her with a coffee in hand.